Brazil: After senate approval, Brazil adheres to the Madrid Protocol

7 June, 2019
OlarteMoure - Protocolo de Madrid - Brasil

On 3 April 2019, Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies approved Bill 98/2019 on the Treaty “Madrid  – International Trademark System”, better known as the Madrid Protocol. On 22 May 2019, the Senate also approved the Legislative Decree Bill.

In order for the new guidelines to be effective and for the new procedures to take effect, adhesion to the international agreements by the Government before WIPO and publication of the Presidential Decree is still lacking, that will ultimately define the country’s entrance. The foregoing is expected to take place in October of this year.

The Madrid System allows protecting a trademark in a large number of countries by obtaining an international registration that takes effect in each of the countries party to the Protocol. It currently consists of 104 Members and covers 120 countries, representing more than 80% of world trade.





