Industrial property virtual office

26 January, 2024
virtual office of IP
Since 2016, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (“SIC”) implemented the Virtual Office of Industrial Property (“SIPI”) with the purpose of optimizing the management of procedures under its jurisdiction. As part of this initiative, the mentioned system is essential for the monitoring and control of procedures, the publication of the Gazette of Industrial Property, term management, among other aspects.

However, since January 15, 2024, SIPI has experienced setbacks in the provision of its services, including but not limited to the inability to download documents and delays in the process of trademark procedure inquiries. In response to this situation, the SIC, through a statement issued on January 22, 2024, expressed that it is working to fix the intermittencies of the application.

While technical difficulties in technological platforms are common, the importance of SIPI imposes on the SIC the responsibility to maintain the stability and continuity of the application to ensure the efficiency and reliability of services, crucial for both the regulatory entity and users.





