Ban on production and marketing of halloween masks

28 October, 2022
halloween mask

The SIC identified that some references of costume masks sold in the Colombian market were allegedly unsafe for consumers, including children and adults.

Based on preliminary investigations carried out since 2021, the SIC, as consumer protection authority, initiated administrative sanctioning investigations against the companies that were marketing these type of products, for allegedly failing to comply with the safety requirements that the masks must have.

In addition, the SIC considered that the company failed to comply with Resolution 33 of 2013, which prohibits the production and marketing of masks when they have the following characteristics:

1. Cover the entire face and head.

2. Have orifices that do not allow breathing.

3. Have fastenings or closings that prevent the mask from being easily removed.

The SIC ordered the corresponding safety campaigns to recover and withdraw the products with such characteristics. The companies investigated are exposed to fines in favor of the SIC for a value of up to 2,000 SMLMV

Original source in Spanish.



