On March 26, Chile enacted the Cybersecurity and Critical Information Infrastructure Law, becoming the first legislation on cybersecurity in Latin America. The most relevant topics include:

  • =The creation of the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCI) is established, responsible for the inspection, surveillance, and control of both public and private entities that provide services that impact information security.
  • =The Law establishes a National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT Nacional), as well as mandatory reporting of cyberattacks to it.
  • =The Law Finally, the creation of the Inter-ministerial Committee on Cybersecurity, which will aim to advise the President of the Republic on relevant cybersecurity aspects to ensure the proper functioning of the country. a National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT Nacional), as well as mandatory reporting of cyberattacks to it.
Following its publication in the Official Gazette, the President of the Republic has one year to issue regulatory decrees regulating aspects such as determining the start date for ANCI activities.