Colombia: The Colombian Council of State denies request for preliminary injunctions against Decree 2085 of 2002 which regulates the protection of test data

26 February, 2019

As part of the administrative procedure of Juan C. Pérez against the Nation (Ministry of Health and Social Protection), seeking to declare the annulment of certain articles of Decree 2085(1) of 2002, the Council of State decided to deny precautionary measuresrequested by the plaintiff who sought the provisional suspension of the Decree.

The foregoing given the Council of State can not issue a statement without the Prejudicial Interpretation of the Court of Justice of the Andean Community.

(1) Decree 2085 of 2002 “By which aspects related to the information supplied are regulated to obtain sanitary registration with respect to new chemical entities in the area of medicines”. Subsection 1 of article 2 and the final paragraph of article 3.

*Original source in spanish.





