Argentine Patent and Trademark Office issues internal guidelines to implement Decree simplifying procedures

8 February, 2018
person signing contract

On 16 January 2018 -and with the issuance of Resolution IP-001/2018-, the Patent and Trademark Office of Argentina (INPI in Spanish) regulated some aspects of the Decree that simplified trademark and patent proceedings in that country.

Specifically, it pronounces on the transition in terms that should be applied to applications already in progress, stating that deadlines in force before the Decree issuance that are foreseen in days will remain unchanged.   With respect to terms in months or years, the shorter term will be applied, taking into account that the new Decree deadlines began to run on 12 January 2018 (its date of entry into force).

Regarding the new trademark opposition procedure, it will be applied only to applications where the process of oppositions has not yet begun.  In case the previous opposition system is being applied, the new system may be used if the applicant indicates to the INPI that he has not reached an agreement with the opponent, or if the latter presents new arguments.





