Juan G. Moure




Area of Practice

Trademarks, Unfair Competition, Antitrust, Advertising, Consumer Protection Law, Copyrights, Civil and Administrative Litigation.


J.D (1993), Specialization – Commercial Law (1994), Specialization – Commercial Law (1995).


Spanish, English and French.

Juan G. received his J.D. from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogota, Colombia) in 1993. Subsequently he obtained specialization titles in Colombian Commercial Law from the Universidad de Los Andes (Bogota, Colombia) in 1994, and French Commercial Law from l’Université de Paris, Pantheón-Assas, Paris II (Paris, France) in 1995.

He worked in the public sector at the Banking Superintendence and the Superintendence for Industry and Trade. In the latter, he directed the Delegature for the Promotion of Competition, area in charge with enforcing antitrust norms and the clearance of mergers. He was also the Deputy Superintendent for Industrial Property and as such administered the Colombian Industrial Property System for more than 4 years. He participated in the government negotiations that led to the issuance of Andean Community Decision 486 (the current IP law in Colombia) and its local implementation in Colombia.

Additionally, he participated as a negotiator in the FTAA talks and as a consultant for the Colombian government in its negotiations before the WTO and WIPO in industrial property issues. He also participated in the legal defense on behalf of the government in important IP cases before the Andean Court of Justice and the Colombian Council of State. In addition to being the cofounder he also leads the Brands and Competition Right practice with a team that has incorporated the highest standards of quality and service for this discipline and they are always searching the most efficient solutions and proactive counseling. This team is familiarized with the internal stricture of the administrative authorities and with this it guaranties that the given advisory contains a unique knowledge about the Brand Office and Competition Authority something that very few law firms find themselves trained to provide.

He is a professor and speaker on issues of IP and Competition Law. He is a member of INTA, ASIPI and ACPI, and is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the latter.

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Global Leader


Leading Individual | Recommended Lawyer

Trademark Star


Leading | Excellent | Highly Recommended | Recommended


Area of Practice

Trademarks, Unfair Competition, Antitrust, Advertising, Consumer Protection Law, Copyrights, Civil and Administrative Litigation.


J.D (1993), Specialization – Commercial Law (1994), Specialization – Commercial Law (1995).



Spanish, English and French.