gina arias

Gina A. Arias

Regulatory Affairs Director


Areas of Practice

Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotechnology.


B.S. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2001),
Mangement Specialist (2006).



Spanish, English and German.

Gina is a Pharmaceutical Chemist with an emphasis in Biotechnology from Universidad Nacional de Colombia and she has a Management Diploma from Universidad Externado de Colombia. During her 20 years of practice, Gina has worked in Biotechnological Research, in manufacturing facilities at an R&D laboratory as well as in government entities. She has extensive experience in Patents and Regulatory Affairs focused on the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors.

For the last 9 years she has been responsible for the Regulatory Affairs area at OlarteMoure where she provides specialised advice to clients in the life sciences sector (pharmaceutical, biotechnology) not only in obtaining marketing authorisations but also in the structuring of complex regulatory strategies and test data protection, in the understanding of the dynamic health sector in Colombia and of the price control regime for Medicines and Medical Devices.

Areas of Practice

Regulatory Affairs, Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotechnology.


B.S. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2001),
Mangement Specialist (2006).


Spanish, English and German.