Diana Maria Aguilar
Diana Aguilar
Chemical Engineer Associate



Area of Practice

Search and Competitive Intelligence.


M.Sc. Chemical Engineering (2011),
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering (2009).



Diana Aguilar Valencia is a Chemical Engineer with a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a Specialization course in Strategic Intelligence from the University of Alicante. She has ten years of experience in competitive intelligence processes, through the search and analysis of information, technologies, markets, buyers, clients, policies, and projects. With this experience she is able to support the identification of opportunities and strategic decision making. Diana has worked with different entities from the public, private, and educational sectors, some of which include Tecnnova Corporation, EAFIT University, the Secretariat of Economic Development of Medellín, and the University of Caldas. In the latter, she accompanied the implementation process of the Technology Transfer Office at the University of Caldas and the National University of Manizales.

Diana joined OlarteMoure in April 2022, where she develops and accompanies different technological surveillance and competitive intelligence processes, as well as training in these areas.

Area of Practice

Search and Competitive Intelligence.


M.Sc. Chemical Engineering (2011),
B.Sc. Chemical Engineering (2009).

