Cesar Augusto Hernandez

César A. Hernández

Mechatronic Engineer Associate



Area of Practice



BSE Mechatronics Engineer (2008),
M.Sc. Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems (2010),
M.Sc. Mechatronics (2011),
Ph.D. Engineer (2020).


Spanish, English, French, German and Italian.

César Augusto received his degree as a Mechatronic Engineer from Universidad de San Buenaventura (Bogotá, Colombia) in 2008, where he was awarded the distinction in the degree of Meritorious Thesis for his work in the area of robotics. In 2010 he received the Master of Science degree in Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems from the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (Karlsruhe, Germany) and, subsequently, the Master of Science degree in Mechatronics from the Universidad de Oviedo (Gijón, Spain), both under the Erasmus Mundus mobility program of the European Community (EACEA). In 2020, he completed his doctoral studies at the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia), through the Scholarship for National Doctorates of the Colombian Ministry of Science (formerly Colciencias). He worked in the research group Centro de Microelectronica of the same university (CMUA), in the line of Biomicrosystems. His research stood out for his interdisciplinary work in the areas of automation, microbiology and electrochemistry. He has authored several academic articles, and has accompanied, as co-director, theses at undergraduate and master’s level, in the areas of Electronic Engineering, and Technology and Aesthetics of Electronic Arts.

In his professional practice, César has worked as a teacher in the areas of animatronic design, sensors, control, digital signal processing and robotics. In addition to his work as a teacher and researcher, César has held the position of Program Director of the Electronic Engineering Academic Unit and has worked as an innovation advisor. In 2022 he founded IQ-Coffee, a company dedicated to the research, development, and commercialization of technologies for the monitoring and control of the different phases in the production and transformation of coffee. Since July 2022, he accompanies the Patent Area in OlarteMoure through the integration of engineering knowledge in the drafting and prosecution of patents in English and Spanish, respond to requests made by the different authorities in the field, prepare documents that support the legal team in nullity actions and prepare letters to clients on substantive and formal examinations, oppositions, patentability analysis and appeals.

Area of Practice



BSE Mechatronics Engineer (2008),
M.Sc. Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems (2010),
M.Sc. Mechatronics (2011),
Ph.D. Engineer (2020).


Spanish, English, French, German and Italian.