Colombia: Government make available USD $2.4 million to support I+D projects

12 June, 2018

On 25 May 2018 -and by means of a credit line and a public call-, the National Learning Service (SENA in Spanish) and the Colombian Authority for the Promotion of Innovation (Colciencias in Spanish) make available to SMEs and entrepreneurs $ 7.2 million pesos (USD $2.4 million) to support technological development projects in innovation.

2,500 million pesos (approx. USD $800.000) of the total will be delivered by Bancóldex (viaPublic Call 817/2018) to finance projects up to COP 300 million (USD $100.000) per company.  This process will be done through a call, in which legally constituted companies in Colombia can participate.

The remaining 4,700 million pesos (approx. USD $ 1.5 million) will be placed throughPublic Call 816/2018, which intends to support specific technological development and innovation projects, aimed at prioritized sectors such as automotive, household appliances, post-consumer, BPO, textile and clothing, cosmetics, medical devices, steel and metal-mechanic industry.





