Infographic | Anti-dumping guide

15 mayo, 2023
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What is Dumping?

Dumping occurs when the price of a product in an importing country is below its price in the market of the exporting country. It can be identified by comparing the price of the product in both countries.

What is Anti-dumping?

Anti-dumping consists of a tariff that is imposed by the domestic government on the importers when they consider that the price of a product is below the fair market value.

What is the purpose of Anti-dumping measures?

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Anti-dumping measures seek to protect domestic industries from potential unfair actions by importing companies.

What is the Anti-dumping Agreement?

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The World Trade Organization (WTO) developed an agreement that focuses on providing guidelines to governments on how they can or cannot respond to cases where dumping is configured.

‘French Fries’

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An example of this measure in practice happened in November 2019, when the European Union (EU) requested consultations with Colombia regarding the anti-dumping measures it had imposed on imports of frozen potatoes exported by Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany, since these countries were importing them below their prices in Colombia.
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The EU established that these measures went against the Anti-Dumping Agreement and the GATT of 1994.
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To resolve the dispute, the parties submitted the process to arbitration.

On November 2022, the WTO panel decided that these measures breached the WTO regulation and that the investigation carried out in Colombia had flaws, such as the calculation of the dumping margin and the analysis of the damages.
Hence, these measures were unfairly restricting European french fries’ producers access to the Colombian market.
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Nuestro Experto

Santiago Lombana

Santiago Lombana

Coordinador Derecho de la Competencia
y del Consumidor





