Chile: Chicken Cartel

27 June, 2019
OlarteMoure - Cartel de los Pollos - Chile

On 10 June, local media informed that the National Corporation of Consumers and Users of Chile (CONADECUS) filed a lawsuitbefore the Tribunal for the Defense of Free Competition (TDLC) against three of the most important poultry producers: Agrosuper, Ariztía and Don Pollo. The plaintiffs are seeking compensation over market collusion that took place between 1996 and 2010. The lawsuit seeks direct compensation for damages caused to consumers in the amount of USD 800 million.

The Supreme Court confirmed in 2015 that the collusion agreement was coordinated by the Association of Poultry Producers (APA), and consequently ordered the APA to be dissolved and imposed sanctions ranging from USD 9 to 23 million.

CONADECUS filed suit based on the latest amendment to Consumer Law, which opens the door for consumer associations to file compensation claims before the TDLC related to rulings issued by this court.



