Brazil: Brazil creates the National Authority for Data Protection and National Policy for the security of information in the federal administration

14 January, 2019

On December 26 and 27, 2018, the Government of Brazil enacted Provisional Measure # 869/2018, which creates the National Protection Data Authority (NPDA), a regulatory body for data treatment activities; and Decree # 9.637 / 2018, which establishes a National Policy for the security of information that will be adopted by the federal administration, aiming to secure the integrity, confidentiality and authenticity of the information at the federal level.
The newly created NDPA, will have the following responsibilities: i) issuing regulations and proceedings about personal data and privacy protection; ii) requesting information, at any given time, from data controllers and operators; iii) creating simplified tools, by electronic means, for the filing of complaints in cases of non- compliance in data treatment operations; iv) inspecting and imposing sanctions in case of data mismanagement; v) disseminating into the society the knowledge about the rules and policies related to data protection as well as the security measures; vi) promoting studies about national and international practices in personal data and privacy protection; promoting public consultations about matters related to data protection.

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